Monday, November 17, 2008

A little bit to get started

I need a place to get things off my chest and this seems as good a place as any. So let me get started...

Right now I am really annoyed with most things political. The two candidates that we had to choose from were both bad but one had to be chosen. However, I do not understand why most in Hollywood and the general news media seem to think that choosing a man because of his color is okay but choosing a woman because she is a woman is not. I personally believe that both is wrong. Leaders should be chosen because of their views and how based on how they will lead. This did not happen in this election. It is sad to me that someone like Sarah Palin who has worked hard to get to where she is and is doing a good job in her position has been made an enemy of those that disagree with her simple because she didn't follow their rules to get there. Most of the objections I have heard against her were the most catty and disgusting things I have ever heard. I never heard those same objections raised about Obama who we just elected to lead our country.

Her looks were scrutinized. Her voice was mocked. Her experience was questioned. Her husband and family were dragged through the mud. It was questioned if her family would suffer if she got the position (an objection I have never heard raised about a man or a Democratic woman). Her intelligence was belittled. These are just a few of the attacks that were made on a self made woman who got to where she is on her own and who is good at what she does.

These same objections where never made about the man we just elected President. For the most part I'm glad. No elected official should have their family dragged through the mud simply because they are running for office. No elected official should have to look a certain way or speak a certain way but they should be looked at with a discriminating eye. This was not done with Obama. In fact he was very much elected based on the way he looked and sounded, both of which were "presidential". His policies where never looked at his words were never questioned. We will see in the coming days how our country will fair with a leader who has never led. We will soon see if all the talk of hope and change are enough to fix the problems that Congress has created. I hope that the all of the expectations that have been laid on Obama are met to the satisfaction of those that laid them. I believe though that many will be disappointed when another politician who says they are different turns out to be politics as usual. I believe that many will be disappointed when this election becomes historic for reasons totally unrelated to race. I also believe that many people will be shocked at how our country is going to change.

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